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Ingrid Michaelson- Time Machine 時光機- 中文歌詞翻譯

不知道大家有沒有發現自己愛錯人,恨不得自己可以回到過去改變一切的經驗?今天貝卡要介紹的歌手是美國歌手英格麗‧麥克森的《時光機》(聽到時光機貝卡第一個想到的是有名的電影回到過去 Back to the Future)

歌詞中可以感受到分手後被狠狠丟下的那種被拋棄的怨恨,貝卡很喜歡這首歌的MV的呈現,明明歌聲是女聲,但卻由男生對嘴來表演,Ingrid在一旁總是露出一臉錯愕又厭惡的表情。這首歌充分的表達了分手後滿滿的負面情緒,對於剛經歷分手的人而言,可以把這首歌列入你的歌單裡了!整首MV有著非常動感的舞蹈,配上爵士風的音樂,聽了真的會讓人忍不住跟著起舞啊! 事不宜遲,刻不容緩,就讓我們來欣賞這首歌吧!


You lit the fire Then drank the water You slammed that door and left me standing all alone We wrote the story We turned the pages You changed the end like everybody said you would 你點燃了火 卻獨自喝下了可以澆熄烈火的水

你甩上了門 丟下我獨自站在原地

我們一起寫了屬於我們的故事 也經過了大風大浪

但就像大家預言的 你改寫了結局

I should have seen it coming It should have sent me running That's what I get for loving you 我早該預想到了



If I had a time machine And if life was a movie scene I'd rewind and I'd tell me run We were never meant to be So if I had a time machine I'd go back and I'd tell me run, run 若我有一台時光機


我會倒帶 警告自己盡早逃跑


因此 若我有一台時光機


I got your letters I got your words I stacked them high and lit them all and let them burn Your broken sorrys don't mean a thing You made that bed Good luck falling back asleep 我收到了你捎來的情書


現在我將把它們全堆成疊 放火燒毀 不留下一絲痕跡

你不由衷的歉意 全都是漂亮話

你只是將那張床 顯得更加虛假

現在我祝福你 「安穩地進入夢鄉」

I should have seen it coming It should have sent me running That's what I get for loving you 我早該預想到了



If I had a time machine And if life was a movie scene I'd rewind and I'd tell me run We were never meant to be So if I had a time machine I'd go back and I'd tell me run, run 若我有一台時光機


我會倒帶 警告自己盡早逃跑


因此 若我有一台時光機


Oh your love it got me higher Then it drove me up the wall But the higher up you go The further you will fall 喔 你的愛使我飛上雲端

又使我飛上那名為 自尊的高牆


也會摔得更痛 傷得更重

If I had a time machine And if life was a movie scene I'd rewind and I'd tell me run We were never meant to be So if I had a time machine I'd go back and I'd tell me run 若我有一台時光機


我會倒帶 警告自己盡早逃跑


因此 若我有一台時光機


If I had a time machine And if life was a movie scene I'd rewind and I'd tell me run We were never meant to be

So if I had a time machine

I'd go back and I'd tell me run, run



我會倒帶 警告自己盡早逃跑


因此 若我有一台時光機

我會回到過去並告誡我自己"快逃"、"快逃" So if I had a time machine I'd go back and I'd tell me run, run

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