Rachel Platten- Lone Ranger 獨行俠- 中文翻譯歌詞
貝卡第一次聽到Rachel Platten的歌是一次營隊的回顧影片裡,背景音樂用的是大家耳熟能詳的Fight Song。當時聽到就覺得這種充滿正能量的旋律真的很合我的胃口啊!
Verse 1
Maybe I'm selfish call me see-through But I'm debating if I really need to Be tied, tied to someone forever Sure I get lonely sometimes and miss being together but hey! 也許我是自私了點 老是看穿你的心 但若你要與我辯論的話我只會死守我的立場 我是否真的有必要老是被同一個人綁得死死的 當然 我有時也會感到孤寂 也會想念我們仍在一起的時光 但
I wanna roam from city to city Let the highway and the crowd fill the hunger that's in me Fill me up with fireworks and tell me I'm skinny I could soak up the fire in the buzz they give me 我渴望自由地翱翔在這城市間 讓這喧囂的城市與群眾填補我內心的空虛 讓炫麗斑斕的煙火滿足我的虛榮心但永遠不滿足於此 我仍可以在喧擾中沉浸在自己的浴火之中 Pre-Chorus Long nights, stay up late Drink the sky, meditate 燈火闌珊處 徹夜未眠 飲泣吞聲 靜下心幽思 Open eyes, sunroof Give me miles, give me truth 睜開雙眼 望向天窗外 遠走他鄉 賜予我真相 Chorus Sometimes I get high, sometimes I get low But I'm calm as can be in a room full of strangers 時而居高臨下 時而俯伏在地 但在陌生人的環繞下我仍不會亂了陣腳 But oh my, don't try to get close I'm just gonna leave 'cause baby I'm a lone ranger 但請千萬不要接近我 因為我只會離你而去 因為我天生就是個獨行俠 Versus 2 I'm a lion, I'm a tiger I'm a caged-bird, I'm on fire Got these paper wings, but they don't hold the air Get so close to somebody, but I don't stay there 我捍如獅子 我兇猛如虎 雖如籠中鳥般但我將在浴火中蛻變為鳳凰 我擁有一對紙造的雙翼 但卻脆弱得連空氣都承受不住 似乎與那群人已經打好關係 但我仍決定不久留
Much less brave than I admit Much more scared than they all think But I'm protecting the organ in my chest 'Cause the blood, sweat, and tears they can make quite a mess 我承認我不夠勇敢 我比他們想像的容易膽怯 但我仍小心的將心中的執念保護好 因為那熱血使我沸騰 而熱淚只會將我擊潰
Pre-Chorus Open eyes, open roof Give me miles, give me truth 睜開雙眼 打開天窗 遠走他鄉 賜予我真相 Sometimes I get high, sometimes I get low But I'm calm as can be in a room full of strangers 時而居高臨下 時而俯伏在地 但在陌生人的環繞下我仍不會亂了陣腳 But oh my, don't try to get close I'm just gonna leave 'cause baby I'm a lone ranger 但請千萬不要接近我 因為我只會離你而去 因為我天生就是個獨行俠 Bridge I don't want to get broken baby I don't want to get broken baby I don't want to get broken babe, cut open babe, cut open babe 我不會被擊潰 我不會再被傷害 我不會再傻傻的受傷 來啊 朝我的傷口再切一刀 將我傷口再次切開 Sometimes I get high, sometimes I get low But I'm calm as can be in a room full of strangers 時而居高臨下 時而俯伏在地 但在陌生人的環繞下我仍不會亂了陣腳 But oh my, don't try to get close I'm just gonna leave 'cause baby I'm a lone ranger 但請千萬不要接近我 因為我只會離你而去 因為我天生就是個獨行俠 Na, na, na, na, na, na, na (Sometimes I get high) Na, na, na, na, na, na, na ('Cause baby I'm a lone ranger) But oh my, don't try to get close I'm just gonna leave 'cause baby I'm a lone ranger 但請千萬不要接近我 因為我只會離你而去 因為我天生就是個獨行俠